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Quorten Blog 1

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OneDrive on GNU/Linux?


Categories: windows  
Tags: windows  

So, with all the heyday of Microsoft software obsolescence… well, unfortunately Microsoft is not completely obsolete. Although we no longer need the Microsoft Windows operating system in the home to get typical home computing tasks done, apparently we still need Microsoft Office for the occasional Office document that comes our way that uses arcane features that the competing software solutions don’t quite work well enough with yet.

So, Microsoft Office is the old Windows-only thing (with the exception of Mac OS X), OneDrive is the new thing. So, how do you use OneDrive on GNU/Linux. Unfortunately, even that is not possible. But, there are third-party solutions that work somewhat well. If you want to use OneDrive on a fully modern computing platform, iOS and Android are your choices for a mobile operating system.

20190708/DuckDuckGo onedrive linux

This is a fun article, though not exceptionally informative.
