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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, I’ve built simple cothreading routines using setjmp in C that I can use for multitasking. Cool. As it stands, it is limited to cooperative multitasking, but if I could invoke it from an ALARM signal set on a periodic timer, and get information about where the program was interrupted, I could implement pre-emptive multitasking. So, is it possible to get information about the area that a program was interrupted to invoke the signal handler? Yes, but it is somewhat nonstandard and implementation-specific. Use sigaction() with SA_SIGINFO to request ucontext_t, which is where you retrieve this information.

20190724/DuckDuckGo unix get information about area in program where signal occurred
20190724/DuckDuckGo linux how to get instruction where signal interrupted

Basically, I’m reinventing “green threads,” but with the goal of doing so in a tiny, minimalistic implementation.