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Raspberry Pi 4 reviews


Categories: raspberry-pi  
Tags: raspberry-pi  

Raspberry Pi 4, what are people saying about it? Well, let’s do a quick web search to see what updates are out there. Oh wow, Tom’s Hardware has a great review written up on the Raspberry Pi. Does it really live up to its claims? For Gigabit Ethernet, that’s a definite yes, it gets pretty close to the real Gigabit limit. USB 3 likewise lives up to its speed claims, with excellent performance from a USB 3 attached solid state drive. GPIO performance is excellent, significantly faster than would be predicted by clock speed differences alone when comparing against previous models.

Unfortunately, 4K video does not qutie live up to its claims, yet. There is some optimization that still needs to be done in the software stack to support true 4K video playback. Also, regarding the higher power requirements, the Raspberry Pi 4 can get quite hot when under load, so with this comes an additional warning to tinkerers and children handle the Raspberry Pi 4 board by its edges while in operation to avoid burns. That being said, you’ll probably want to use a pretty good passive or active heat sink with the Raspberry Pi 4.

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Worthy of mention in the comments is the Atomic Pi, a single board computer based around the x86-compatible Atom processor. Yeah, it has better performance, but that comes at the price of a huge heat sink.

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