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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Why don't we play around more often?


Categories: misc  
Tags: misc  

So, earlier just about half an hour ago, I decided to just look around, play around, without doing anything really productive or planned. Wow, that was a great experience, I ended up taking some photos of some old failed mini blinds due to a defective design, useful for failure analysis and simply just plain artistic fun.

So, now I’m wondering about the question. Why don’t we play around more often? Is there information on the Internet about this? Oh, yes there is. Wow, so here’s the trick that I am told. The good feeling effects from playing have a lasting effect for after 24 hours of doing so. Yes, so it is not simply just a way to escape from work, but it also makes work more productive in its own right.

DuckDuckGo why don’t we play around more often