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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Being organized and moving fast go together.
Procrastinating and being disorganized go together.
You are the maker of many of the problems you face.
Being busy isn’t the same as being productive.
You want to have more spare time, you want to have fun, but time flies when you’re having fun.

Do the things that you don’t want to do, and you’ll feel like you have more spare time.
Rather than complaining about your problems, quantify them and search for efficiency improvements in your tasks.
If you don’t like logging and quantifying, all the better, doing so will make you feel like you have more spare time.
Take the time to organize, and organize immediately without procrastination.
If you don’t like doing it, all the better, doing it will make you have MUCH more spare time.
The long and narrow path is the path to Heaven.
If you do all the things that make your life feel longer and longer and longer, it might just last forever.

Take the time to organize, and organize immediately without procrastination. If you don’t like doing it, all the better, it will make you feel like you have more time. And when you are done, you will literally be able to accomplish more in the time you have because you will be able to move faster. So your feeling of having more time will be logically confirmed.

Difference between complaining and and problem reporting. Is it a real problem? Is it logical?

Otherwise, too often in this world, if the complaint isn’t logical, you are the maker of your own problems you complain about.

Too much work, or is it that the way you are doing the work is simply inefficient and creates more work for yourself?

If you complain that you have too much work to do, could it be because you are doing it inefficiently? You create more work for yourself, and you are the maker of your own problems.

With we know from the financial habits of the average American, this is pretty much the typical case. Some teams truly don’t have enough resources, but most teams squander their resources.

Time is money. Saving time and investing it properly is saving and investing money itself.

The primary quantity that humans are good at measuring is not time, but attention span. Humans then use their measure of attention span to infer time durations. The problem, of course, is that human attention is not consistent over waking hours, but varies with its highs and lows.

UPDATE 2019-09-08: Humans have less attention ability when they are very young, more when they are middle aged, then less when they are very old. This is one of the reasons why people say it feels like time passes faster when they are older. Then again, the quantity that they neglect to mention is their true perception of time when they are younger. When they are younger, there are some instances where they have very high attention span and fine granular perception of time, but still large swaths of time with a lesser attention span, and therefore a shorter perception of time.