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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Good Reads, yes a venerable website. Basically, it’s a virtual bookshelf that you can place all books you’ve read on, and most importantly, make it available to the rest of the world to see, publicly visible. Now, books is just the start of what can be done by this similar methodology, you could also do it with the movies you watch, for example. Yes, indeed Wikipedia does have a good deal to say about the subject. It assigns the broader category the name social cataloging.

One thing that is particularly noteworthy reading into the subject is that the main interest and merit as it is seen in the concept is that of commercial exploitation: the design of machine learning recommender systems that can answer the question “people who like this also like this.” Yeah, on one hand it’s good that people are motivated to assemble such systems of social cataloging, but at the same time, it’s kind of sad to see that the main motivation of doing so stops promptly after the point of sale of “consumable” media content.

