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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Here is a variety of useful information I’ve gleaned from the 68kMLA forums, all rolled into a single blog article.

Want to know about what kind of PDS card is inside your Macintosh SE using software? Try installing TattleTech or SlotInfo from NewerTechs Gauge series.


Someone is looking for drivers on this CNET CN490e SCSI to Ethernet adapter, unfortunately they’re not getting much luck. Also, it’s not on the Vintage Apple drivers website.


Interesting story on repairing a Hard Disk 20 by lubricating the stepper motor shaft and giving it a good whack. Also there’s lots more great information on diagnosing and maintaining the HD20.


Here is some useful information on connecting monitors to vintage Macintoshes, although it focuses on later generation vintage Macintoshes.


Good tip on cleaning floppy drive, just insert a special floppy disk with filter paper with alcohol in place of where the magnetic opening is, and that will clean up the read/write heads.


Interesting, FlashPath SD to Floppy Disk adapter, almost the dream device except that it doesn’t replace a true floppy disk, it requires special drivers so it really only works on particular PCs.


Great advice here on disk backup software. Disk Copy, and yep, you bet it, Retrospect, have been mentioned as good choices. Retrospect? Oh wow, I have that on some floppy disks I’ve salvaged that were otherwise going to be thrown out.


Now, this is interesting. A particular vintage Macintosh had an unknown icon in front of an empty connector cutout the size of a mini DIN port? Well, this turned out to be an expansion card opening for the ill-fated pre-release Paladin combined modem-printer-scanner-fax machine.


So, I was looking at the 68kMLA trading post forum, and found something interesting. Alas, that area is accessible to members only, so no public access for general Internet users to this.


Wow, I got news of an awesome Computer Reset warehouse in Dallas, Texas full of all kinds of vintage computer gear. Some very hard to find items are abundant with multiple copies in that warehouse.


For a while, it was on a limited open schedule for vintage collectors and folks to help pick out artifacts for a computer museum. How did this come into the purview so quickly? The original owner was having health problems and wanted to sell the property, which is why everything had to be gotten rid of with such short notice. Alas, the sad ending to to this is that the owner passed away short of having the property completely emptied of the vintage gear. The site is now permanently closed until further notice.

Is there any other news on Computer Reset? Unfortunately, no. The last we hear is the permanent closure of the warehouse, then silence.

20191018/DuckDuckGo computer reset texas

This is an interesting article about a literal “barn-find” Apple II. According to the story told by the seller, it was stashed away with livestock feed and some mice built a nest in it. Very nasty, corroded from mice pee and poo, quite a deal to get cleaned up. Not to mention about the risk of hauntavirus. Stay away from the dust, wear a mask and gloves, blow it off with compressed air outside, stay upstream of the wind, wash it with water thoroughly. And don’t bring it into the house until it has been thoroughly cleaned and quarantined outside for a while. Otherwise, you can literally get a cockroach infestation inside your home when the ambient temperature causes a roach egg to hatch.

Also, I found some good tips for preserving things. Store with bounce sheets, rodents can’t stand to be near them.
