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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Recently I was reviewing television video standards, so I just had to visit the Wikipedia articles on the subject and read about the fools who sit on the other side of the television. This is what I found, again. Again, I reiterate, because this is important!


How much time Americans spend watching television… surely people who watch a lot of television have trouble getting a boyfriend or girlfriend, regardless of whether they watch dating or romance things on the television, wouldn’t they? Well, that’s an inconclusive conclusion to draw.

20191024/DuckDuckGo do people who watch a lot of television have trouble getting a boyfriend girlfriend

Elsewhere on the Internet, I found some other interesting information about the fools who. On one hand, by finding an article about “how to get a girlfriend” with mention of “television” in it, it just had to have a few vibes of American culture sprinkled into its advice.


Another article, reasons why you, a girl, can’t keep a boyfriend. Now, this is quite a hilarious read because I can think of many former middle school classmates I knew who got and lost their boyfriend over the reasons mentioned in this article. It’s just too true. Oh, what interesting misconceptions the fictional world of fairy tales, romance novels, and movies can give people. But, this article, it is true to the real world.


And this article, oh it’s interesting how some people may be concerned about media entertainment likes and dislikes in their romantic relationships, but they shouldn’t worry about that.
