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Quorten Blog 1

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So I was wondering, how effective do people actually build friendships starting with someone met at a party, which they might not have certainty of meeting again?

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20191028/DuckDuckGo how effective can you build friendships meet at parties

On the other hand, I found this interesting article on building friendships as an adult that compares it to dating. That seems to be a common theme, as I’ve seen in a previous similar article, as I’ve stated in a similar previous article on the subject. Well, yeah, but I have my suspicions that the tendency to be slow at building friendships is more common among non-tech people than among tech people. Because everything moves faster in the tech field.

But, what is particularly interesting about this article is how the author stated that she peaked in social terms at age 5. Wow, it’s quite an exciting read, that one part.
