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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

When searching for another subject “when news becomes old,” I had some interesting search engine suggestions, so I decided to pursue it. This is what I’ve found.

Signs that your body is too acidic. Salts come into your body that make it acidic from the food that you eat. Fruits and vegetables tend to be alkaline. Meat, dairy, grains (especially white), and sugar tend to result in an acidic pH. Sweating, i.e. from physical exercise, reduces acidity. But not too much sweating, because then you could get a salt imbalance, and hence you’ll need saltier foods. Grains are great for this, chances are you’ll need more energy at the same time you need more salt due to doing intensive physical labor. Drinking more water, of course, also neutralizes pH.

Normally this is a good thing, if you do intensive physical labor, you’re going to be sweating them out and will need salts replenished. But the problem is that our modern lifestyles have changed but our diets have not. So Americans tend to be acidic.

What are the negative effects of an acidic body? Your body will reduce bone mineralization to neutralize the acid and pull away minerals from your muscles, making you weaker. Also, your brain will not function as efficiently… of course we know the extreme cases of drinking salt water can result in hallucinations.

20191029/DuckDuckGo when news becomes on your body

Who owns your body? You don’t own your body, God does.


Programmed cell death?


Women are not susceptible to pH changes than men or have a generally more acidic. Nope, it’s supposed to be the same between men and women. The main difference is the severity of the changes and tolerance for non-ideal pH. Osteoporosis is a worse problem for women than for men, for example.

20191029/DuckDuckGo women versus men ph


If there’s any starker comparison, it’s the design of the human eye versus (D)SLR cameras. In technical terms of regular operation, both have strong similarities. The primary difference is not so much the bulding materials, but the long term maintenance and lifetime equation. Due to the modular engineering of (D)SLR cameras, it is tremendously easy to service them and keep them operational long-term. In fact, 100 year old camera lenses still work pretty good by the terms of their original design and engineering. But human eyes, they are nigh unserviceable.

Got a lens aberration? On an SLR camera lens, you’d open up the lens and turn the convenient calibration screws. The human eye, it has no such modular compensations, nor means of clean open and close. If anything, an eye surgeon would end up cutting through the exterior of the human eye for servicing.

Got dust inside on your DSLR sensor? It always happens due to age, but no problem with an DSLR camera, it is designed with a special sensor cleaning mode for you to remove the dust. As it turns out, despite the sealing of the human eye, dust still gets on the retina, but once it’s in there, it’s stuck, without really much remedy for cleaning.

Now, you ask the question, what exactly does it mean to void the warranty on the human body? Well, first of all, you have to know who the manufacturer is. By the logic mentioned in one of the previous articles, it is God. So, when the warranty is void, that means that any servicing that the manufacturer would otherwise provide will not be provided any longer, or at least not without a fee. What servicing does God provide to the human body? Well, by the Catholic understanding, God really doesn’t provide much servicing to the human body during its Earthly life. Pretty much the main servicing that happens is after the end of a person’s Earthly life: the resurrection of the body for life everlasting.

We know from our modern science that the human body as-is cannot last forever. Fundamentally, at the cellular level, cell division in most regular cells of the body is imperfect: there are telomeres that shorten with each cell divide. Eventually, once the telomeres get too short, the cells can no longer divide and result in useful cells. This essentially marks the hard-stop end of human life, if everything else about human health has been optimized to the maximum.

So, the primary manufacturer servicing that requires “warranty coverage” is a “conversion package” to upgrade the human body from finite life to eternal life. If alterations have been made that will void the warranty, God may not provide this service, or at least threaten not to without a suitable “payment.” This would be, by analogy, time spent in purgatory, labor spent to work for a penance that could pay the requisite fee for non-warranty-covered servicing.

Why is the Catholic Christian understanding required in particular, rather than the more abstract Christian understanding? As you can see, there are some requisite technicalities that can’t really be fully explained when the disagreements between the various Christian beliefs are left in place. In particular, the resurrection of the body and purgatory. “Glorified bodies” is the key word, implying that some change had to take place to the human body for it to be able to take on the forms and features observed in resurrected bodies capable of eternal life.


An important question that still needs to be answered. What modifications to the human body do not “void the warranty?” “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” (Mark 7:15) But this doesn’t really answer the question of the body, though the statements definitely pertain to the soul. The general belief appears to be that there are a large range of “retrofit” modifications made for the medical purpose of restoring bodily function and extending life on Earth that are permitted, with only a few that are forbidden. In particular, the use of embryonic stem cells for replacement organs, though the use of non-embryonic stem cells for replacement organs is permitted.