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What happened to Steve Jobs' net worth?


Categories: misc  
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Back around the year 2010, when Steve Jobs was still alive, the Wikipedia page on him listed his net worth, and I think that indeed was also how I first learned about net worth. Now, I wonder, has the Wikipedia page been updated to note this modern omission? Well, the net worth has been removed, but the Wikipedia page says nothing about what happened to it. It says in every other way what his legacy has been, though.


So I go looking elsewhere. And here I find some information. Some of it, a few millions, was given away to his children, split equally. $21 billion went to Ms. Powell Jobs, his second wife, which then when to philanthropy and she launched the “launched the Emerson Collective, an organization that pursues liberal political activism and for-profit investments, and owns a majority stake in the Atlantic magazine.” So there you go, that covers at least most of it.

Also, there is some other interesting information about Steve Jobs and his first daughter on this page. Lisa Brennan-Jobs was neglected by her father early on, but he slowly came around to try to be more involved. She wrote a memoir, and one thing written that sums it up is “we’re just cold people.”


Ah, interesting! The page on remembering Steve Jobs is still on the Apple website. Despite their restructuring, they have not deleted the page, yet.
