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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Wow, it’s finally coming here, for real! The GitHub Archiving program, an initiative to save all public code repositories on GitHub to the Arctic World Archive (AWA) on microfilm. Yes, this is it, a testament to those who truly value what matters has the will to preserve it long-term, using the best-of-trade tools. Yep, this is real, this is also a really good point for emphasizing the value of software with non-technical family and friends.


This Bloomberg Businessweek article includes more pictures of what the inside of the Arctic World Archive looks like.


And here is a LinkedIn post that includes a video taken during a previous GitHub Arctic Code Vault deposit.


Which repositories are included? Any repository that has been recently updated in the past couple of months.

There is also a lesser valuable initiative, in my experience, to archive data onto a Quartz disc using a laser. Come on, we know that is pretty esoteric compared to microfilm, how is a naive human who has little interest in the sophistication of the technology, let alone little monetary resources of their own, expected to read and comprehend anything out of such a form?