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Quorten Blog 1

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A matrix scanning keyboard controller connected to a computer via serial communications. Yes, indeed this is an easy concept to build out in software via a microcontroller, but Don Lancaster’s TV Typerwriter was all hardware based, as were other early computer terminals. So, ultimately, the question comes down to “how do you build a keyboard controller in pure hardware circuits?” The solution is simple once you think through things a bit.

The key to realize is that the entire process can be drafted around the concept of a big central clock that drives the entire controller, and higher-level operations can be designed around “outer loops” that run on slower clocks. Here is an abstract listing from fastest looping, lowest-level operation to slowest-looping, highest-level operation.

  1. Shift out UART buffer, i.e. serialize a single 8-bit UART character that corresponds to a key event message.

  2. Scan a single key.

  3. Scan a single column (column-major) or row (row-major).

  4. Scan the entire keyboard matrix.

  5. Cycle through old, new, and current keyboard state buffers.

Yep, it’s really as easy as that. You really only need four frequency dividers, and the outer-most frequency divider can simply be a counter.

Basic Design

Keyboard scanner schematic

The basic hardware design can be explained as follows.

To scan the keyboard matrix, you simply connect the corresponding clock frequencies to shift registers. In the case of a column-major matrix, the row scan is a parallel in, serial out (PISO) shift register for reading the contents of the selected column, and the column scan is a serial in, parallel out (SIPO) shift register for seleccting the column. The output of the SIPO shift register is fed back to the input for a continuous select single column scan loop. A RESET must zero the register and prime it with a one at the input.

The continuous stream of PISO shift outputs will give you a sequential list of keyboard state images at each consecutive keyboard scan cycle. You then want to translate this “absolute state” image into a “delta state” image. The absolute keyboard state images can be stored in a circular buffer with three elements: old, current, and new. “New” is where the keyboard matrix scan in progress is stored to, so as to not interfere with the keyboard state comparison circuit.

What keyboard state changes happen from one scan cycle to the next? This can be determined simply by comparing the old keyboard state to the current keyboard state. From such a comparison, you can generate a “delta keyboard state” image, with one of the following “delta state” values for every key.

  1. old == cur => nil
  2. !old & cur => keydown
  3. old & !cur => keyup

After you generate the delta keyboard state for a single key, you can simply shift it out through the UART. For nil events, you can simply use silence on the UART, i.e. the line is simply held high and no character is encoded and sent.

Design Considerations

  • The simplest way to debounce the keyboard is to limit the keyboard scanning frequency so that it doesn’t scan faster than the debouncing time interval. A more complicated debouncing would involve immediately responding to a key event, but scheduling a “dead time” where key events are not generated until the interval expires. This requires a memory buffer to keep track of individual interval timeouts per key.

  • The need for detecting ghost keys can be eliminated by using diode isolation on every single key in the keyboard matrix to support n-key rollover.

  • Assume the UART runs at a high enough clock speed so messages never need to get buffered or discarded.

  • However, one practical way to limit the required speed of the UART is to limit the number of keys that can be pressed simultaneously, as would be the case with ghost key detection.

  • Ghost key detection can be implemented by incrementing a counter as we scan the keyboard. If too many keys are pressed simultaneously and would likely result in ghost keys, we discard the entire keystate buffer by refusing to increment the CNTR. To implement this logic proper, we need to allocate extra time cycles, literally like special buffer positions for “ghost keys.” This is the cycle where the decision is made whether or not to increment CNTR, and to reset the ghost key counter.

    Additionally, we could also encode a special message on the UART to indicate ghost keys were detected and the entire instantaneous keyboard state was discarded.

  • A hardware keyboard controller can pipeline multiple stages and run them simultaneously, but a software keyboard controller can only run sequentially. Therefore, a hardware design can scan the keyboard more frequently, though not necessarily faster.

  • General design considerations with memory buffers. Generally, we want to be careful about simultaneous access, whether it be read or write, because that may mean we may need multiport memory. A general trick to eliminate this is to define sub-cycles where each user accesses the memory only on alternating cycles. If the same item is accessed at the same time, multi-read single-write style, this can be done in the same cycle, assuming latch register style memory. RAM-style memory may require a dedicated write cycle.

    Another trick is to use double-buffering in place of triple buffering. If one user loops through the buffer at an offset compared to another user, effectively the two users will access a whole older or whole newer copy of the same bufer. However, this also requires one extra buffer entry to preserve consistency for the very first and last elements.

  • Further simplifications on memory buffers. Actualy, you don’t even need the offset trick to go from three memory buffers to just two. In the three buffer case, rather than storing the newly scanned keys to the buffer and comparing them on the next cycle, we can immediately compare them on the same cycle we are storing them. This allows us to get by with only two buffers and without any offset trick. But additionally, with latch register style memory discipline, we can prime the new value during the same cycle we are reading the old value, which allows us to get by with only one “latch-style” memory buffer for the old keyboard state.

Running the UART off an independent clock

Keyboard scanner UART FIFO schematic

It is possible to run the UART off of a fully independent clock from that of the matrix keyboard scanner. However this comes at the risk of buffer overruns if the UART character clock runs at a slower speed than the matrix keyboard scanner clock. This means that you need additional logic circuits for a FIFO send buffer, a buffer overrun message, and selective accumulation and clearing of delta keyboard state based off of whether a particular message reached the UART FIFO yet.

How do we handle message discarding on buffer overruns? We keep a delta keyboard state image of key messages that have not yet reached the UART FIFO. In the event that the UART FIFO is full but the pending delta key event for that key was nil, no data was lost, simply a delay was introduced. But, if there is already an existing keydown or keyup event in the delta keyboard state image and we must write a competing event, then a full keypress event was lost.

The idea is that we want to take a full keyboard buffer and delta encode it into messages in such a way that the host computer is notified of the most up-to-date state as soon as possible. This is why we let new key state changes on the same key overwrite old ones rather than discard new key states. Otherwise, missed messages can result in a key getting stuck in the wrong state on the host.

MIDI Keyboard Controller in Hardware

One of the most sophisticated keyboards to implement is a MIDI keyboard. Not only does this require n-key rollover, but it also requires reporting the key “velocity” or how “hard,” i.e. how much force, the key was struck with. On an acoustic piano, the loudness of a note is determined by the amount of force exerted into the piano keys, which determines, through lever action, the amount of force the hammers strike the piano strings with, and therefore the amplitude of their vibration and the emitted sound. More force corresponds to greater acceleration, which likewise corresponds to a greater average speed when a piano key passes between two fixed points. By placing two switches at separate depth points for a single key and measuring the time difference that those switches are triggered at, the average velocity can be determined, and therefore the acceleration, force, and corresponding sound amplitude.

The simplest MIDI keyboard controller would just double the number of reported key events and report it all back to the host computer for processing, but why not build this directly into the hardware keyboard controller? That helps reduce computational load on the host computer and provides for a more convenient programming interface, although it does not result in a faster keyboard scanning rate.

So, here’s how to do the modification for MIDI keyboard timing in the keyboard controller. First keydown switch sets a “half keydown” state in the delta keyboard state buffer, which is not sent out. It includes the time stamp. Next keydown switch sets a “full keydown” state in the delta keyboard state buffer, which overwrites the location of the half keydown state and stores the delta time codes, with saturating arithmetic. The full keydown message is send out to the UART. Likewise can be done for keyup.

Additionally, another modification we could make is to also encode the time stamp of key events into the key messages in the controller itself. This eliminates the need for the host computer to respond to key events in realtime and attach time stamps to them. But, how exactly can this be advantageous? Doesn’t the host computer need to immediately respond on the interrupt anyways? Not necessarily. If there is a UART FIFO receive buffer, then the host computer can take its time. This would typically be okay for key events from a “typewriter” keyboard, but it would be unacceptably inaccurate for musical input. Ultimately, however, the keyboard time stamps are measured with fixed-width integers, and “ping messages” would be needed so that the host computer can keep track of time stamp wraparounds.

What about encoding the messages so they specify a delta between the last message instead of a quasi-absolute time? In general, that’s harder to program against because all such messages must be processed in-order. With a quasi-absolute time stamp, some degree of out-of-order and parallel is permitted, thus also allowing for programming more performant code.

On the other hand, the architecture of a keyboard that keeps track of time may not work so well when you have multiple such peripherals with their own clocks. In this case, you may want to delegate time stamping to a centralized upstream event processing unit. It is a dedicated hardware circuit, so that time tracking without skipping a beat is easy, but it has one big central clock for all event time stamping. That way, clock wraparound ping messages can be handled in a consistent manner on the host computer. When inputs are received, it augments the input messages with time stamps and then forwards them to the host.

When are time stamps not needed for input? Any time input is sent in a continuous stream, such as recording audio of video data. You can also do likewise with a keyboard scanner, by sending the key scan stream output directly to the host computer, but this is seldom done on early and simple computers due to the requirement for higher bandwidth and processing speed on the host computer. But, if it were done, it would eliminate the need to times tamp the asynchronous delta messages.

Nevertheless, you also either need centralized clock control or periodic time synchronization messages to prevent clock drift in these systems too.