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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Now, surely I’ve asked this question before, but it’s worth asking again. Does Bill Gates have a GitHub account?

Well, it’s hard to get an answer to that question, but a related question has quite a worthy answer to cover. Does Bill Gates have a Facebook account? Maybe, it’s hard to say if he really has one or there was just some faker out there. Nevertheless, his E-mail address from a Windows fanboy website lists “”, so chances are if you see a similar username, it’s likely to be the real one… like that commenter on Ubuntu Bug #1. What about his smartphone? Well, he’s been seen with an iPhone once before, claiming that although he thought Windows phone to be better, he wanted to see exactly how much better Windows Phone is than iPhone.

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B Gates wrote:

As far as I am concerned, this behavior works as expected. It should be marked as a feature, not a bug.

Okay okay… maybe that was just a joke too.

This is a great article about how Microsoft saved Apple in the ’90s by making an investment… that was booed by the Apple fan crowd, but was nonetheless a great decision in the long run. If it was a zero-sum game, Apple would loose for sure. It didn’t have to be, and the Apple user base was too big to have to fail like that, and they realized if they didn’t have to play that game, if they rediscovered who Apple was supposed to be, they could live on.


Now, here’s an interesting article about Bill Gates on… Bill Gates does not own a yacht, though he is frequently seen spending time on yachts of business partners or renting out time on a yacht. But this page does go on to list the many other things that Bill Gates does own.
