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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings Alas, going to the website, it’s broken!


I remember back in the day when reading the Joel on Software blog, I saw the website advertised as a good introduction to Mercurial. Why was Joel Spolsky and friends using Mercurial? Back in the day, Windows computers used to be quite common in corporate offices, and between Mercurial and Git both being good distributed version control systems, Mercurial was slightly more Windows friendly, so a lot of people went with that one pretty much for that sole reason. And Mercurial was quite alive and well for many years, until the entire world changed. After several blunders in a row on the side of Microsoft, the rise of Android smartphones, the influence of university computer science education teaching Unix, the general fading away of the old world “cottage industry” of software development… and consequentially, all of these combined, the popular preference of software developers for Mac computers, and the fact that by now, most corporate IT departments officially supported Mac computers just as well as they supported Windows computers…

ALL of this together meant that the old world environmental assumptions behind Joel Spolsky on Mercurial and Windows together were rendered obsolete. Thus, I can understand why Joel Spolsky has stopped renewing the domain name.

Does Joel Spolsky have an official statement on retiring As far as I can see, no. All I can see is news dating from 2010 announcing

20200121/DuckDuckGo joel spolsky hg init
20200121/ 20200121/
20200121/ 20200121/DuckDuckGo hginit

Okay, okay, what’s going on at the modern Joel on Software website? I can see that it has been redesigned quite a bit to make it look… more modern, of course!
