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Quorten Blog 1

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This is a great Digi-Key article on FPGAs that really helps to clear up the basic terminology behind the hardware specifications when you are shopping for a particular chip.


So, one thing that I must say about programmable logic devices. When should you use these versus a small soldered constellation of logic ICs? Here’s my advice I’ll put in. If you only have a really small and simple logic network, go with the ICs and wire soldering, because ultimately this will be easier to debug if issues arise in the “programming” of such a network: just check the wire connections. On the other hand, if you use a Programmable Logic Device (PLD), that would make the soldering job easier, but if anything goes wrong with the internal memory, then that’s much harder to debug and diagnose. Especially if the intent is to never reprogram the chip in the final design and there are no programming connections to the CPU. Which, of course, for simple such networks, there isn’t a need to reprogram.

So, yes, the point is that you should only use a PLD when the degree of complexity really warrants it in order to save cost, save space, have a clean wiring scheme, and so on.