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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I have been in the middle of an epic pin shortage when designing a multi-purpose Raspberry Pi measurement device. But then, I had an epiphany. The SPI bus can be used to directly drive a plain old 8-bit shift register. The solution is simple. The SPI bus can use a rising edge clock for the data bus transfer, and that matches the clock discipline of a shift register. The SPI output is then wired to the shirt register data input. And, best of all, the SPI slave select signal can be used to your advantage. Once all bits have been shifted in and slave select is de-asserted, you can use that signal to trigger the switchover of the internal buffer of your shift register to set the outputs to the new values. And, what’s more, you can go and do likewise with shift register inputs. Even more, using the SPI interface to program your shift registers is both easier and faster than programming via GPIO pins.


Putting this altogether, I found out that I can restructure my “overdesigned” Raspberry Pi Zero system so that the 4-digit 7-segment display, 16-key matrix keyboard, 4 motor outputs, and one analog input (via HX711 Wheatstone bridge ADC) are all on the single SPI0 connection. The only GPIO pins I would use would be one for RESET on the display-keyboard module, and one for “AUX SPI slave select” between the display-keyboard versus motor outputs. Of course, I could alternately use SPI1 which has three slave selects, but either way it’s the same number of pins used. But that being said, I have enough pins freed to use both SPI0 and SPI1 simultaneously, as I might need if I use those fast custom optimized SPI display drivers.

Regarding using SPI for HX711… you actually can’t do it quite directly as I thought, but luckily there is still a nifty trick you can use and still be able to use the SPI port. Although the Raspberry Pi SPI library used here can only configure in the SPI word size in multiples of 8, multiple bytes are transferred to get an divisible number. Also, the interface is wired up in a non-standard way to generate freqency divided signals to match up properly, and characters such as 0xAA are sent. Now, here’s the thing… looks like this wasn’t the most skilled programmer writing this code, so of course it falls short compared to how it could have been implemented. But, nevertheless, I like the ingenuity and it does show it is indeed possible to connect HX711 to SPI… even if hackery is required.

20200304/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi spi hx711

Regarding HX711 on SPI… one thing to keep in mind though is length limits of SPI bus communications. Due to the separate clock signal, it is effectively a parallel communications bus, so the capacitance of long distance wires effectively limits the length of cable you can use from your HX711 ADC inside your scale to your Raspberry Pi unit. For 3D scanning, a 6 ft cable may be typical… but alas, that is too long for SPI communications. Not to mention that to even get near that length, you’ve got to use a really slow clock. That being said, I’d probably need to use an Arduino to convert to asynchronous serial communications, then connect that to the Raspberry Pi.

20200304/DuckDuckGo What’s the maximum distance of spi communications

But, here’s a mad idea. Maybe I don’t need an Arduino for simple conversion from separate clock communications to asynchronous serial communications. Here’s how it works with just basic logic chips. You have your local clock, sure, and you have local state registers. When you are in the idle line state, you watch for a start bit. When the start bit is received in the idle line state, you RESET the local clock and change the idle line state. Then your local clock runs your local counters and fills the shift register until you’ve read in 9 bits, 1 start bit + 8 data bits. (The start bit is shifted out and ignored.) Then you reset your local state to the idle state and watch the line for the next start bit.


Okay, so what chips are needed? 1 counter chip, crystal oscillator + frequency divider chip, 1 latch chip, 1 shift register chip, 1 AND chip. And that’s all there is to it!

But that only covers receive, not send. If you have shift register and a clock, and you want to send… this comes down to using a counter to keep track of where you are in the communications cycle, and inserting start and stop bits as required. Probably something like 1 counter chip, 1 AND chip, 1 shift register.

Okay, so that covers packing up SPI serial communications into asynchronous serial communications, but what about unpacking? Now, this is quite clever. Basically, your UART serial communications conversion introduces one additional layer of intermediate shift registers. SPI master writes are sent immediately, but SPI master reads are delayed by one 8-bit byte. Unless, of course, you add the assertion line “RTS” to your serial communications to indicate that the master wants to read, and you configure your SPI master to also wait the time of at least one start bit before pumping the data clock. Ideally for simplicity, all 8 bits would be transferred during the set-up period, then the SPI clock just shifts outs the bits that were completely transferred into the local shift register.

It would be nice if I could buy a chip that performs precisely the purpose of the outlined designs, but it looks like I have to design my own simple circuits for that. FPGA/CPLD is the best I can do.