I see there are quite a number of folks on the Raspberry Pi forums that post schematics of the physical breadboard layout rather than the symbolic schematics. Surely if there are so many people doing it, there must be a software tool to do it. What is it? Fritzing is the name of the game. It was originally developed for Arduino but of course the Raspberry Pi community ended up doing many of the same things as Arduino folks so it was also adapted for Raspberry Pi.
20200310/DuckDuckGo create raspberry pi breadboard schematic
However, please note that the Raspberry Pi Foundation themselves are still doing things the old school way when they post breadboard-style schematics: they have a hired designer ham-handing it out in generic vector graphics design and illustration software such as Adobe Illustrator and maybe also Adobe Photoshop.
Interestingly, Fritzing also offers features to convert your breadboard sketches into a printed circuit board, and they mention another custom printed circuit board manufacturer that is new to me: AISLER. How do their prices compare with the OSHPark and DirtyPCBs? They are the most expensive, but they are also the most featureful.