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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I came upon this website that combines to great things together: geekiness and fashion. Yes, this is really what I was looking for… it’s hard to find interest in both categories in the same time. The author of this website was invited to the NASA Social and has an interest in space science.


So, what the “shop this look” at the end of each post? Basically, the author keeps an inventory of all the clothing she wears in the pictures of the blog post, and then has links to all of it at the end, available for commercial purchase… sometimes. Looks like this is all contingent on mass production, so the more specialized and popular items are often found to be out of stock, especially on older posts.

Also space related: countdown cancellation? Yes, that’s the reason for countdowns on rocket launches, to check everything over and cancel if something is found wrong. Rocket launches are still challenging business.
