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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I’ve found this interesting article about the person who predicted the Coronavirus. What is the key predictor of zoonotic viruses transferring to humans? Humans encroaching on the existing natural ecosystem. When our population grows, and when we grow our livestock production from growth in purchasing power in the average household, we entrench deeper onto land that we’ve never been regularly frequenting before as humans. And when that happens, viruses that have been circulating throughout the natural environment long in advance have the opportunity to jump to our population and circulate within us. To say that this is predictable is like saying that it is predictable that without rules of the road, pedestrians would keep getting run over and killed by motor vehicles.

Right now, from a global standpoint, we don’t really have “rules of the road” laws and regulations across all governments how are land use is changing. Yes, there are some governments in first-world democracy countries that really do try to regulate what we do when we plan to change our land use, but there are still many dictatorship governments elesewhere in the world that wouldn’t care one bit about those who voice these concerns. And, of course, China is one of those countries.


But this goes further than that. It also means that when you buy more goods and services that are made in China, you are fueling that system of government to go faster and increase the likelihood of these incidents occurring. It’s a tough reality to face as many American companies outsourced their manufacturing operations to China, but that’s what it is.

Here’s another interesting article about cultural viewpoints on mask wearing in public. In Asia, it is seen as an acceptable norm, but in the West, it is shunned heavily. We are not yet sure how this is going to turn out when it comes to how much different cultures put themselves at risk to this challenge, only time will tell whether or not the mask wearing really does stem the tide on the Coronavirus spreading.
