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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, I’m in the process of designing my own modular SPI connectors for my electronics projects. There is, after all, no real standard for me to copy, so I’m making my own just like everyone else has in times past. Now, I do remember Wikipedia stating some words on this in relation to I2C, what were those anyways?


Oh, interesting. Here, the connector design is to prevent power and ground from being connected with reverse polarity in the case that the connector is inserted backwards, as can easily happen with the unpolarized 1/10 inch pin headers common on prototyping electronics boards. Also, in this case, the power and ground are not placed right next to each other, but staggered with data pins in between. This could also help prevent accidental shorts between the power pins. Note that this Wikipedia article mention all comes from the advice of one particular person giving their answer on StackExchange Electronics. So, yeah… it’s not a really widespread thing, as you might see.

Also, the Wikipedia article about hot-swappoing is also insightful. In particular, the idea that you don’t need to add special electronics circuitry to enable hot-swapping, this can all be done through a staggered connector design that ensures some pins make contact before others. In particular, ground pins make contact first, and power pins make contact last. (Staggered connectors were once thought to be an expensive solution, but nowadays it is considered cheap.)


So, after all that, what connector design did I choose for my SPI connectors? These are 8-pin Molex PicoBlade connectors with the pins in this order, from left to right with the two small keying notches facing away from you in reference to a “socket” connector, so mirror this if looking at a “pin” connector.

  1. Common ground
  2. RESET
  3. Slave Select
  4. 5 volt positive supply
  5. CLOCK
  6. MOSI
  7. 3.3 volt positive supply
  8. MISO

Here we are using Wikipedia’s hot-swapping connector advice on putting ground on the outer edges since they make contact first, and we are using Wikipedia’s and Electronics StackExchange recommendation to avoid damage from plugging in connectors backwards… somewhat. The idea is that we cannot supply negative polarity voltage to the chips, though we may end up putting a higher voltage on one of hte inputs or outputs. As long as it’s not such a high voltage that it forces its way through, I guess we’re good. Also, putting 5 volt positive supply in the middle is to make it difficult to short 5 volt and 3.3 volt together, and so that 3.3 volt power is guaranteed to be the last power connected… assuming chips powered by it are more sensitive to floating voltages than 5 volt chips.

So actually we have two layers of safety. First we’re using polarized connectors, and if somehow the user still forces a connection, our pin wiring prevents inverse power polarity.

Off-topic. This is a really interesting article about the idea to integrate the “Stop ‘n’ Swop” feature into the Banjo Kazooie video game, but that had to be canceled due to hardware changes in the later Nintendo 64 hardware. The idea was that when you turn off the computer, the RAM persists its contents during poweroff for 10 seconds, during which you can switch the game cartridges, and the new game can read data placed by the old game in special memory locations for message-based communication.


Well, what else do I have to say about this? Now, this is interesting, reflecting on my own basic electronics experience. Yeah, DRAM needs a dynamic refresh, but SRAM? That can be pretty interesting. If you have decoupling/bypass capacitors on your board to prevent voltage sags from complex logic current draw patterns, when you switch off power to your board, the 100 uF or larger capacitors on the path connecting the main power supply can retain a small amount of charge for quite some time afterward. And, this is the key. SRAM doesn’t require much voltage to maintain its memory, nor does it require any active refresh electronics. So an SRAM-based system can maintain its memory for quite a long time after system power off. More than 10 seconds, more than 30 seconds, even more than a minute in my basic observational cases.