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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Two things with COVID-19: conspiracy theories are still a problem, why? It’s one of human ways of coping, playing the scapegoat blame game and making up a reason that feels more controllable.


States are reopening, though that means they’re loosening restrictions, that doesn’t mean it’s any safer. The hope is that people will sufficiently self-regulate, else we’d be in for a really big outbreak problem.

How is it like flying in the midst of this pandemic? “Post-apocalyptic” is the word one reporter describes it with. It will be a long time until people can enjoy social outings like baseball games again. Governments can’t just declare a reopening, citizens need to see trust in other people rather than immediately suspecting every person as a potential virus carrier. And that’s going to take a long time in this journalists’ opinion based off of his experience of flying.
