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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Wow, reading into this article, it really gives me vibes of the other Wired article about Ross (lastname I don’t remember) of Silk Road. And, well there’s full circle here. The main persona of the article himself was also involved with Silk Road, though from the standpoint of a younger, later-comer. Any mention of Minecraft servers and clickfraud on ads??? Oh, that was that later article about the massive DDoS that came about as an evolved gamer corner thing.


So, who is this? This is Marcus Hutchins, who on one side, was the person who stopped WannaCry from ravaging across the entire world. And, on the other, the person who years before that, participated in writing the majority of a very nasty banking trojan. The FBI caught up a few years later, and then he was sentenced for his past crime. Interesting, weighing the sentence terms in combination of the great good he done after the crime.

Unlike the Silk Road villain Ross who vigorously denied and guilt for his crimes, this guy truly wanted to confess and plead guilty for the crimes he committed. He was appalled by the fact that when he was imprisoned awaiting trial, so many people came to support him by creating a financial donation fund for his bail, under the guise that he was innocent and the FBI was after the wrong person. He deeply wished that he could have been more upfront about his guilt earlier so that so many people wouldn’t have rushed to support him under the guise that he was innocent.

At first I thought this was going to be a short article to summarize for the sake of my own blog, but a long read for myself. But, finally coming to the conclusion of this article, I myself am also deeply changed. This, too, is something that was worthy of a longer summary by me in my own blog.