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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

This article is about some interesting observations of a particular house cleaner.

The bigger the house, the more they worked to afford it, the more prescription bottles they had. I started to see the fact that I couldn’t afford to buy my daughter fancy electronics as a luxury. We went to the beach and looked for crabs under the rocks instead. We spent rainy Saturdays doing a 25-cent puzzle. I vowed never to have a house bigger than I could clean myself.


However, reading the conclusion and thinking about this, something comes to mind. This is a bit of an over-generalization. My point here, is that for those who are truly rich and have large properties tend not to hire other people to clean them. They are highly ambitious do-it-all folks. But that do-it-all ambition may not last forever, and some of those folks may decide to start hiring house cleaners rather than moving to a smaller house. That’s where this house cleaner’s experience comes into play. For others, they may have had poor strategic decision making from the start, and that’s why they got into their current conditions. That’s the other side of this house cleaner’s experience.