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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Ah, yes, when working with implementing an arithmetic math API library, another solution to the problem of computing the carry bit in software came up. It’s rather easy.

Consider the case of subtraction, a - b. When you want to know what the “carry” bit is in this case, the purpose is to determine if you need to “borrow” during subtraction. Obviously, from some simple arithmetic analysis, a borrow will be required when b > a. This is easy to determine since a - b is the basis of a cmp (compare) instruction.

  • If a - b == 0, then a == b
  • If a - b > 0, then a > b
  • If a - b < 0, then a < b

If we don’t have a means of sign bits on our processor architecture, we simply first check if the result of the subtraction is equal to zero. If not, then we check the sign by checking the value of the most significant bit, and from there we can determine whether we are greater than zero (sign == 0) or less than zero (sign == 1).

So, subtract with borrow.

  1. Compute r = a - b.
  2. Test if r == 0.
  3. If r != 0 && sign_bit(r) == 1, then there is a borrow.

Since subtraction is the same for both signed and unsigned integers, this all works nicely.

So, now what about addition? That’s a little tougher, but a bit of refactoring does the trick. For unsigned addition, we want to know if a + b > UINT_MAX. Rewriting this, a mathematically equivalent (though not necessarily bit-wise) expression is a > UINT_MAX - b. Now actually, UINT_MAX - b is quite easy to determine, it is simply the same as computing -b with two’s complement arithmetic. So now we have the expression a > -b, we can change this into a compare by rewriting as a - (-b) > 0, or a + b > 0. Bit-wise interpretation, of course! So the final procedure is quite similar with addition too.

  1. Compute r = a + b.
  2. Test if r == 0.
  3. If r != 0 && sign_bit(r) == 0, then there is a carry.

Now that’s a fail… we can’t just drop UINT_MAX out of the equations, this will claim there is a carry on every nonzero positive result. I guess for now, we’re back to testing sign bits for addition. But at least we have a better method for subtraction.

By the way, in the case of addition, if we really don’t want to store the result of the initial sign bits check, we can use code branching instead. Yeah, to be honest, that’s actually exactly the solution I’m looking for, I just didn’t want to have to store a byte in C code just for the sake of keeping track of one bit. Alas, we still have the problem in C. If you’re creating a function and you want to return the carry bit, then you still need to pack one bit into a whole byte. So really, this all comes down to inlining your code whenver you want to process a 1-bit return value, or maybe even using goto with macros as an alternative. Yeah, to be honest, I believe the goto macro approach is cleanest. Here is an example.

/* 32-bit `a = b + c`, `if (carry) goto d`.  We also support `a += c`
   notation.  */
#define ADD32(a, b, c, d) \
  if (((b) & 0x80000000) || ((c) & 0x80000000)) { \
    (a) = (b) + (c); \
    if (((a) & 0x80000000) == 0) \
      goto d; /* Carry bit set */ \
  } else { \
    (a) = (b) + (c); \

/* 32-bit `a = b + c + 1`, `if (carry) goto d`.  We also support `a +=
   c` notation.  */
#define ADC32(a, b, c, d) \
  if (((b) & 0x80000000) || ((c) & 0x80000000)) { \
    (a) = (b) + (c) + 1; \
    if (((a) & 0x80000000) != 0) \
      goto d; /* Carry bit set */ \
  } else { \
    (a) = (b) + (c) + 1; \

Now. integrating this into a multi-word adder is going to look like this.

unsigned char adc128(unsigned int *a, unsigned int *b, unsigned int *c,
                     unsigned char d)
  if (d != 0)
    goto CARIN;
/* NOCARIN: */
  ADD32(a[0], b[0], c[0], CAR0);
  goto NOCAR0;
  ADC32(a[0], b[0], c[0], CAR0);
  /* goto NOCAR0; */
  ADD32(a[1], b[1], c[1], CAR1);
  goto NOCAR1;
  ADC32(a[1], b[1], c[1], CAR1);
  /* goto NOCAR1; */
  ADD32(a[2], b[2], c[2], CAR2);
  goto NOCAR2;
  ADC32(a[2], b[2], c[2], CAR2);
  /* goto NOCAR2; */
  ADD32(a[3], b[3], c[3], CAR3);
  goto NOCAR3;
  ADC32(a[3], b[3], c[3], CAR3);
  /* goto NOCAR3; */
  return 0;
  return 1;

Yeah, it’s kind of messy, but you get the idea. You pass around one bit of data by branching and implicitly encoding it in the value of the program counter register rather than needing to sacrifice a whole register to store the value of the sign bit. Heck, now I realize this is obvious, even if the architecture doesn’t support automatically setting carry bits, for the sake of user boolean variables in code, the architecture should still provide a few user-controlled condition flags that they can set, clear, and test as they please. This would make implementing carry in software much easier, although we would still have the problem that the C programming language has no built-in way to specify single-bit variables.

Then again, I guess this is the crux of the problem. You could argue that if you desire to have a handful of user-controlled condition code bits, you might as well allocate a whole register to yourself to use for that dedicated purpose, and you can let the compiler map out its usage. Essentially, functions could get the condition codes passed in as an argument, and they would return the updated condition codes in the return value.