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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Again, I reiterate, because this is important!

The few computing platforms that have changed our lives.

In hindsight, too often it feels companies or developer communities are off to a good start building a platform, “a world,” but then they tend to hit a ceiling and it all turns out to be just a box.

So pretty soon we look around outside the box and find that other boxes that are much bigger. But by then, the magic is gone. They are each just disparate boxes, it’s not the full outside world where there is no ceiling.

Apple II, Macintosh, Windows, they all had their highs and lows but none of them really stuck for the long haul as a platform. Rather, the best ideas were jury-rigged into the next new platform that claimed no continuity with the last.