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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

How do you specify rectangular drill holes in KiCad? It’s a lot uglier than plain old circular or elliptical drill holes… you need to specify a CNC milling layer and get your board manufactured with CNC milling support, and that is “wicked expensive” for the hobbyist. For hobby projects, just use a plain old circular (or elliptical hole if supported) that is big enough for the maximum diagonal distance.

20200716/DuckDuckGo kicad rectangular drill holes

What is the F.CrtYd layer? It’s an abbreviation for “courtyard”, this indicates the clearance needed by robotic pick-and-place equipment around the perimeter of a component. Or, alternatively, the clearance needed around a component for hand assembly.

20200716/DuckDuckGo kicad f.crtyd