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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Ah, yes! This is interesting, PotatoFi’s very own blog. He doesn’t post blog articles to it very often, though.


WLAN Pi? Is that based off of Raspberry Pi? No, it is based off of NanoPi, the main reason given for its selection that it came out with Gigabit Ethernet support earlier than Raspberry Pi, thus making it more suitable as a network testing tool. But nowadays, Raspberry Pi has Gigiabit Ethernet too, so this comparison is perhaps not so great anymore… unless the NanoPi comes out to have lower energy consumption than the newer Raspberry Pi models.


Also, this is an interesting article on setting up a Raspberry Pi for cellular failover use on a computer network in general. Of course, this only works well if you have “unlimited bandwidth” cellular.
