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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

How do you create rounded traces in KiCad? This is the ideal form for high-frequency circuits. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to do this directly at the moment, but the microwave/RF extensions do provide a workaround that amounts to creating a custom footprint for the rounded portions.

20200720/DuckDuckGo kicad rounded tracks

Indeed, looks like it will be some time until rounded tracks are treated as a first-class object in KiCad.


Wow, this is sure interesting, an HTML BOM generator that includes a graphical map of your PCB, allows you to easily find where you should place your components.


This is interesting, if you create an Open Hardware design and it becomes sufficiently popular, you might get copied by a cheap Chinese mass production manufacturer, and now suddenly your designs are available for the cheap. The catch, of course, is that this pretty much always happens without offering any payment back to the original designer.
