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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

After reading about an xkcd comic that joked about the problem of undermaintained software dependencies that hold up the entirety of the Internet, I found some other interesting stories about past cases. The proposition was that failure in ImageMagick will cause the entire Internet to come topling down.

Post Heartbleed crisis, more funding for OpenSSL.


This other issue, when a developer, upset by a legal request to rename a package called kik. It was forcibly removed from NPM by the CEO, that angered the author who promptly unpublished all his packages, thereby causing most major Node.js projects to break because they depended on one called left-pad.

20200820/DuckDuckGo leftpad broke the internet

And this other interesting one, a typematic error in OpenStreetMap that was later corrected, but not before Microsoft Flight Simulator pulled in the data, resulted in a 212-story tall obelisk in the middle of an otherwise quiet Melbourne suburb.

20200820/DuckDuckGo microsoft flight simulator melbourne tower