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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Running Saints of Virtue is difficult on modern hardware. You can start by running a Windows 98 virtual machine, but then the problem is that the high uncapped framerate makes you jump way too high, the enemies are clocked too fast, and some of your swords have way too long of a delay after firing, making the game partially playable but otherwise unbeatable.

Here’s one folk’s solution: They “cheat” by using a video capture tool that can lock the video output frame refreshing to 30fps, I’d really want to know how this works.

Also, they have a nice wiki on unpacking the game’s assets for modding and more fun.

20201108/DuckDuckGo shine studios christian games
20201108/DuckDuckGo saints of virtue cd

Interesting interview about funding challenges for Christian computer game development.


Apparently Saints of Virtue was the only game ever released by Shine Studios, which was really just the name the two guys, Dave and Mike, picked when working on that one product. No other games were released by them it looks under the Shine Studios name.


Now, what about the Lego Island computer game? I remember seeing a link to the tools someone else developed, but I did not yet save a link in my blog. These tools definitely need help, though. Lots of room for improvement. But, this fixes a similar timing bug caused from counting frame rate instead of using the system timers, along with allowing a nice enhancement to use higher definition audio of the soundtracks released by the original musician.

20201126/DuckDuckGo Lego Island rebuilder