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Quorten Blog 1

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UEFI boot… ah, yes, the modern way of booting PCs. A reasonably sophisticated and professional boot standard, originating from Macintosh precursor technology like Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) and Apple Partition Map (APM) is now brought to the PC world. UEFI boot and GUID Partition Table is glorious… or is it?

It’s not, unfortunately. Hindsight is 20/20. The reason why the sophisticated and modern boot standards worked so well on the Macintosh was because there was only one manufacturer of that kind of computer hardware. But, in the PC world, when you have many different manufacturers, each designing their own boot firmware, every little bit of complexity you add to the boot standard simply adds more margin of error. The “U” for “unified” does, in fact, give a head nod that it might be an oxymoron, and it indeed is!

If you want a sophisticated and complex standard of any kind, there must be only a single implementor in some sort of way, shape, or form, especially in the case of boot standards. Unlike web browsers, bootloaders are a very unattractive area of software development for rapid addition of features and enhancements. Matter of fact, quite the opposite: stasis is viewed as a feature in pre-operating-system computer boot. Traditionally, there was always very little to no information about bootloaders from third party sources, and UEFI is no different in that regard. If you want to learn about the boot sequence, there is pretty much only a very small number of technical reference documents that must be read in full. A search engine will not afford you any shortcuts here.

So, anyways, now that the long introduction is out of the way, let’s delve down into the devil in the details. The first thing you need to know about UEFI boot is that it requires a GUID Partition Table (GPT) on disk as the partitioning scheme, rather than Master Boot Record (MBR) and Extended Boot Record (EBR). So, get ready to look at tech specs.


The primary definition of MBR is simple: The first 512-byte sector is fetched into RAM from the disk. The last two bytes (address 0x01fe and 0x01ff) of the sector are checked if they are the values 0x55 and 0xaa accordingly. If so, the boot firmware jumps to the first data byte to start executing it as code.

The first sector is also assumed to contain a partition table with a maximum of 4 primary partitions. Each such partition definition is 16 bytes long and appears just before the boot signature at the end, so in practice there is a maximum of 446 bytes of boot code in the MBR.

A GUID Partition Table includes a protective MBR as the first sector of the disk. The partition table contains a single entry that covers the entire disk (or as much as can represented via MBR) and uses the partition type 0xee. The rest of the 446 bytes of boot code may be used as-is to support legacy BIOS boot in a backwards compatible manner, even on a GPT disk.

Okay, so that’s easy enough to explain how boot works with MBR. what about GPT. The general idea is a rather simple one. A partition is marked as bootable, which was also a standard procedure in MBR but not strictly required. Additionally, it is also tagged as the EFI System Partition (ESP). This partition must be formatted with the FAT filesystem and it contains one or more executable files. (These are actually Windows Portable Executable (PE) object code files, complete with a DOS executable stub attached in front.) In the case of multiple boot executables, the UEFI firmware can generate a menu to allow the user to pick which file (i.e. which operating system) to boot, just like the Macintosh computers that came before UEFI.

20201210/Google linux efi boot

In the PC world, this feature had to be achieved by using the MBR boot code as a first stage bootloader to present the menu, and “chainloading” the second stage by simply fetching the first such sector and executing it, just like the boot firmware did to the MBR.

But, here is where there is the first devil in the details. Unfortunately, Microsoft, the primary progenitor of the UEFI standard, did not think through very clearly how it ought to be implemented. The course of action of the UEFI standard really just followed whatever quirks the were in the first versions of Microsoft Windows that supported it.

So, let’s start with the first defect in the standard. Optical discs are flagged as bootable in a different way than standard disks are flagged. Rather than having a protective MBR partition cover as much of the disk area as possible and specifying the boot partition in the GPT, the MBR contains the EFI System Partition (ESP) directly using partition type 0xef. Wikipedia claims Intel was the progenitor of this quirk.

20201210/Google grub install uefi
20201210/Google grub install uefi partition

One of the major boons of the old boot standards, MBR, ISO 9660, and El Torito, was that they had compatible “key holes.” ISO 9660 was specified not to use the first 32,768 bytes of the disc, so these bytes could be used to store an MBR bootloader. An El Torito floppy disk image could also be stored inside the ISO 9660 filesystem. Together, this allowed GNU/Linux distributors to create a single bootable image that worked however you cared to boot your computer: from a floppy disk, from an optical disc, or from a hard disk drive. And thanks to the simplicity of PC BIOS for hardware abstraction, booting simply “just worked,” life was good, and life was great.


So, to this very day, GNU/Linux distributors strive to build their installer disk images to follow a similer vein, though without El Torito support.

But, UEFI throws a huge monkey wrench in that otherwise beautiful picture. With that one tiny wrinkle, the way in which you specify a disk to be bootable, you must have two different images for installers, not one “universal” image.

  • For installing via optical disc, there must be an MBR with an ESP partition. The GPT, if present, is insignificant because it is ignored. Hence, although GNU/Linux distributions tend to include a GPT, it typically has errors.

  • For installing via USB flash drive or other standard disk drive, the protective MBR and GPT must follow the standard specifications. If there is any deviation from a single protective MBR partition, the disk will not be bootable.

The second defect to the standard is the handling of the UEFI boot menu. Some manufacturers provide a boot menu that allows selecting any of the available boot executables, but some of the big, key, main manufacturers do not. What did I say about the multiple manufacturers issue? The “standard” way out of the UEFI boot menu issue is to assign to a special name to your boot executable that will be executed by default, without the need for boot menu selection. Alas, there wasn’t a firm standard established for this filename either, so it varies from one manufacturer to the next. The standard way out of that issue is to copy your boot executable to every imaginable “default” filename. And yes, you must make copies since the FAT filesystem doesn’t support symlinks.

20201210/Bing efibootmgr efi variables not supported

Fortunately, however, in recent years, the main manufacturers have standardized 64-bit boot to /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI, case insensitive.

The final defect with the UEFI standard is, again, how boot menus are handled. In UEFI, the boot menu must be stored in NVRAM. It is the responsiblity of the operating system to manipulate the EFI variables to add a boot menu entry for itself. To make matters worse, EFI variables may not be accessible unless the OS has successfully booted via UEFI. And this methodology makes no sense whatsoever for removable media, such disks must rely on the default boot filenames.

Though this may appear to only be a minor annoyance for operating system installation, the issue extends further than that. Typically, when you want to reimage a computer clean, you just wipe the disk, right? Now with UEFI boot, you can’t just think about wiping the disk, you also have to think about wiping the EFI variables in NVRAM. In classic Macintosh computers, only the selected boot device was stored in PRAM, the actual boot menu would be generated dynamically by the boot firmware. (In later Macintosh computers, this would only be the default boot selection, and you could use hotkeys at boot to override this.)

However, some UEFI firmware versions do in fact wipe the EFI vars as soon as NVRAM entries are no longer found to correspond to disk entries.

Now, after all that introductory discussion is out of the way, let’s get the final technical rundown of everything you need to know when administering and configuring UEFI with a Linux-based system. For the convenience of those who do not care to read the philosophical introduction, we will link to separate blog articles.

Finally, a few more miscellaneous links.

20201210/Google parted unix bios boot flags
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