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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Can ImageMagick work with 16 bits per channel? This would be very useful when doing gamma curve corrections. It looks like it can, I think.

  • Yep, it definitely can. Just make sure you use the -depth 16 operator somewhere before you save as PNG and your PNGs will end up with a larger file size due to having 16 bits per channel.

  • This Color Basics ImageMagick article is very useful. In fact, it’s so useful that it even includes a link to the excellent Gamma error in picture scaling article on that I include below and follow up with discussion.

** Important! In ImageMagick versions before 6.7.5, there was a bug such that the meanings of RGB and sRGB were swapped.


DuckDuckGo imagemagick 16 bits per channel