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Media programming
Dirt cheap lossless video editing
Getting FreeCAD running on Raspberry Pi 4
Import STEP files directly into Blender? Go through FreeCAD.
Other folks on Twitter discussing automatic GPU compilation
Interesting Direct3D team wall of GPU history in Microsoft
Designing a SIMD processor of my own, reflection on many-core communication architectures
Very interesting discussion on Autodesk Maya, etc.
Interesting discussion on photorealism and 3D artists
Extending CPU framebuffer graphics rendering subroutines into GPU parallel subroutines
Transparently handle both machine integers and bignums in C programming
Raspberry Pi OpenGL driver development
Reflection on parallel compute methods
GPU regular expression matching libraries, and good slides for OpenCL
OpenModelica revisited
OpenCL versus OpenGL compute shaders
Other reflections on math software libraries
Explaining power series on polynomials
RPi OpenCL Compute Shaders, CLBlast
Explaining optimized parallel compute primitives
Wow, 16th century math textbook with pop-up models
Computing roots, logarithms, and exponents, part 2
BLAS with GMP? Yes, it was done...
Draw a circle using Bresenham's algorithm starting at an arbitrary point
My complex project dependencies
What is the format of XYPixmap in X11?
Some great lightweight graphics libraries: CPU 2D rendering, JPEG+PNG loading
Does anyone outside of Inkscape use lib2geom? Not yet...
Fast approximate inverse square root for floating point
No efficient way to multiply by power of two in floating point
"Dumb" Fourier transform, a simple explanation for frequency analysis
Some good Golang vector math libraries to look at
Trying to solve pixel-perfect plotting of a rotated ellipse, and singular value decomposition explained
Inflating a Bezier curve
Finally, a better explanation for plotting pixel-perfect Beziers
Why remote GLX is a thing of the past
Build a table of logarithms using integer arithmetic
Lessons learned on designing physical electronics projects, 3D scanner, page counting device, software dependencies, and bill of materials
Blender updates and PBR
Vertical video criticism, and its later embrace
Technicolor revisited
Compute square roots with binary integer arithmetic, and discussion of shifting without shift instructions
Shadertoy website and quaternion julia set fractal
Find which font is used for the default `sans-serif` on Ubuntu
Interesting article about Doom engine graphics rendering, and hisory of computing blog articles
Solve a system of 3 linear equations using only integer arithmetic
Computer and television video signal standards
Bresenham's line plotting algorithm explained
Editing curves with constant length
Ghostscript ps2pdf force landscape rotation
Lossless embed JPEG images inside PDF, revisited
OpenCL acceleration in ImageMagick
Computer Color Mixing: From Zero to Hero
Cue marks and security printing in the media
Troubleshooting Linux webcam issues
Trouble using a webcam on Linux with Cheese webcam booth?
Video capture on Linux mapped out
S-Video explained
What is the current status of VML?
More discussion on video coding formats
HTML 5 video vertical sync issues
Everything I need to know about DVD video encoding and HTML 5 video migration
More info on broadcast TV on a computer network
Rational integers, fixed point, fast graphics numerical techniques, Allegro library still doing well
H.264 successor, Raspberry Pi libre boot and Odroid, space garbage trucks, SLS patent expiration
Thumbnail generation, ImageMagick tips and tricks, `exiftool`, Apache configuration
Cannot easily create PDF hyperlinks in old Microsoft Word, and stay away from CutePDF
Reflections on 3D technology
What is 3DNow!
Search index information in PDF, HTML, etc.
DreamWorks Animation history
Highest resolution smartphone cameras?
Professional microphone shock absorption mount
ImageMagick 16 bits per channel
How VidFIRE changes the frame rate
Discussion on technical capabilities of human eye versus digital camera/display systems
Camera media technology, expense of human eye quality
Imaging systems, moire patterns, sampling
How film is developed and scanned
Interesting info on cameras, rangefinders, and the like