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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Highest resolution smartphone cameras? The Nokia 808 PureView at 41 megapixels. Note that this camera is out of production, though. But does this mean that 1200 DPI camera-style CCD scanners are available? Not quite. Note that the 808’s camera sensor was over 4 times larger than that of typical point-and-shoot cameras. So, although it might be possible for there to be 135 megapixel cameras (1200 x 1200 x 8.5 x 11 = 134.64 MP), don’t count on it being very cheap. Oh yeah, and what about the quality of the sensors? Well, this shouldn’t be too bad for a scanner designed for taking still images. As long as the resolution is there, cumulative time exposure can be used to overcome noise and other artifacts associated with small pixel elements.

Wait, it is possible. 41 megapixels, 10.67 x 8 mm. 85.36 mm^2. 4x = 164 megapixels, 341.44 mm^2. APS-C = 329 mm^2.

Yes, a 1200 DPI one second camera-based scanner is indeed feasible. The question would then, be, where to buy it and at what cost? Does it come in a flat-bed form factor with an embedded and directed light?
