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Compiling Emacs 23.1 on RHEL 6


Categories: centos  
Tags: centos  

Or so I thought. This is where the issues come into play. To summarize from a top-level:

  1. The packaging for Emacs 23.1 is broken. Thus, you should go with Emacs 23.2b instead.

  2. The packaging of developer packages on RHEL 6 is broken. Specifically, `giflib-devel’ was not in the RHEL 6 package archive. Thus, you’re going to need to do a variety of trickery here, either by building your own package or by only unpacking the needed development headers and dynamic libraries.

  3. RHEL 6 is missing the glibc-static package, so you’re not going to be able to compile statically-linked binaries. Yes, there is reason to be concerned that this may create some portability issues, but lucky for me, my only target system I was intending to run the binaries on was RHEL 7 x86_64, so given these limitations, I’m still good.

Okay, so let’s first start with the traceback of the steps I had to go through.

Here are the third-party libraries that I want Emacs to have support compiled in for: libxaw3d libxpm libpng libz libjpeg libtiff libgif.

Here is what I must do to get them on a RHEL 6 system:

yum -y install Xaw3d libXaw-devel libXpm-devel zlib-devel libjpeg-devel \
  libtiff-devel giflib libpng-devel

Note: In later versions, you may need to specify Xaw3d-devel instead.

From the first try of a configure command line…

Ouch! RHEL 6 does not include the giflib-devel package. This is a known problem for which there have decidedly not been an official fix put out, as it was not an upgrade priority.


Well, I guess I’ll have to find a replacement package on the Fedora project, for a version not officially supported as to go with RHEL 6.


Oh my, problems getting this package installed directly. Glibc version dependency failures. And libc is supposed to be an iron-heart standard! Why do they have to make the version dependencies so tight and inflexible? They’re not trying to make the dependencies so tight, it’s just that they didn’t put in the extra effort to loosen up the dependencies. Okay, fine then.

  • So what’s the point of noting such detailed workflows? The point is to show how much effort it took to get things up and running. Yeah, not like an easy straight line, for those who want to know how hard it was to get started. Actually, you know how I found those URLs above? I had to type in some keywords in a search engine (which I did not keep track of this time), and I couldn’t just click on the first result, I had to read into the various results and try to determine which page most likely had the information that I was looking for.

    “At this point I was typing frantically fast and the conference was running late, as it was supposed to have already started 5 minutes ago.” Yes, like that. So is that really what software is about?

And that (building Emacs from source) was supposed to be easy, and I got myself into this big mess?

Well, fine. Let’s static link then, even though at present, the only missing dependency for dynamic linking on rsvdev1 is Xaw3d.

Considering that I’m trying to avoid the package dependency problem, What version of giflib am I going with?

Dated 2009? That’s a really old giflib, why don’t I use a newer one just because? Okay, one version newer for the binary manual unpack.

giflib-4.1.6-10.fc21.x86_64.rpm giflib-devel-4.1.6-10.fc21.x86_64.rpm

Note that I have to unpack both packages so that at the linker stage in compilation, the shared library will be able to be perused to verify that the necessary symbols are present.

./configure --prefix=/home/amakousk/local \
  --with-x-toolkit=athena \
  C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include:/tmp/amakousk/usr/include \
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/tmp/amakousk/usr/lib64 \

No, not that. Use `LDFLAGS=-static’.

./configure --prefix=/home/amakousk/local \
  --with-x-toolkit=athena \
  C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include:/tmp/amakousk/usr/include \
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/tmp/amakousk/usr/lib64 \

Oh no! Can’t do static build! Well, I guess I’ll just have to do without it.

./configure --prefix=/home/amakousk/local \
  --with-x-toolkit=athena \
  C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include:/tmp/amakousk/usr/include \

Okay, that doesn’t work. Try this.

setenv C_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/include:/tmp/amakousk/usr/include
setenv LIBRARY_PATH usr/lib64:/tmp/amakousk/usr/lib64
./configure --prefix=/home/amakousk/local --with-x-toolkit=athena

Oh my, I give up. I believe that was a bugged up release. Okay, try again with 23.2b. Okay, much better.


Wow, this really makes you wonder what’s been happening in the software profession. It seems like the quality just keeps getting lower and lower.