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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, here we go playing around with Marathi language typing. There are two methods of inputting the Devanagari characters used to spell out Marathi language. One method is the one key per character method. In today’s world, that method is not very popular, but historically it was the only method that worked with typewriters. By contrast, in today’s world, an input method editor (IME) is preferred that works by taking in a Latin character phonetic spelling of the words and translating them to their Devanagari characters.

N.B. Baakarwadi is a type of food that is like spiced mini dumpling rolls.

  • बाकरवज्ञ
  • yekjb%
  • बाकरवडी
  • बाकरवडी
  • yekjb[r
  • बाकरवादी
  • baakarwadi
  • bakarwadi