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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So now you’re wondering about 3D printer design. How does the optical positioning encoder work in an inkjet printer? Well, let’s do a search. Surely we’ll find some useful information. Ah yes, I’m told that the inkjet printers use a quadrature optical encoder. Yes, indeed I’m being told that this is to be used with an optical alignment strip and LEDs. Also it’s interesting that the optical encoders are purpose-built hardware that are calibrated to specific optical positioning patterns that come with the printer. So it’s not like it’s something that the printer manufacturer fully understands, in other words, nor is that the case with the software running in the printer.

  • Also, this is important too. Commentary on why DC motors are used in modern inkjet printers rather than stepper motors. DC motors are stronger, faster, and cheaper. So that explains it! That’s why our newer HP printer is so much faster than our older Epson printer.

    Also, DC motors can generate less heat than stepper motors.

20170503/DuckDuckGo inkjet printer optical position encoder

Oh yes, I am coming back to the RepRap. It seems there is a great community around the RepRap with lots of great information on how to build 3D printers. So much, that I want to revisit the Wikipedia article on this. Is this the one that mentions the RecycleBot? Yet it is!

  • Renote. Again, I reiterate, because this is important!


Although Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier was recognized for being the first to invent such a straight-line mechanism, the Sarrus linkage was invented earlier; it went, however, largely unnoticed.[1]


Wow, the link to the “Desktop manufacturing” article goes to the 3D printing article, and indeed, is it just me or has this article been revolutionized with dramatic development in recent years? Wikipedia is an interesting machine. It has all kinds of unusual biases. This time, it’s showing its strength in 3D printing article documentation but a curious weakness in 3D scanning article documentation.


  • One of the good things about the article above is that it includes integrated coverage of the legal aspects of mass market 3D printing, something that you emphasized must be covered when discussing 3D scanning. Renote. Again, I reiterate, because this is important! Yes, and we know why this is true. Because changing technologies that make new things possible threaten to cause old cultural concepts to become obsolete. Wow, that came out kind of differently, but you get the idea. New technologies that bring things to people’s attention that they were not aware of before, despite the fact of already being a constant possibility.

Ah yes! So you know those “powder 3D printer” articles you’ve found earlier? Read carefully, these are in fact “inkjet printers” that deposit powder and binder! Yes, just like your ideas on how to build an economic 3D printer by modifying an inkjet printer.


Are there any high-speed cameras in the size and cost envelope of a smartphone camera? No?! Oh, come on! It’s not that hard, is it? Well, okay, fine, so it looks like the smallest and cheapest high-speed camera available (as of 2017) is on the order of the size of a small point-and-shoot camera of about $100. Actually, some of the newer point-and shoot cameras are augmented with high-speed video capabilities, Sony cameras in particular. Even some of Sony’s DSLR cameras can do high-speed photography, in addition to 4K video shooting. Oh, what the video luxuries you could get if you buy from a brand name other than Pentax. Yeah, but, Pentax is pretty good for shooting for still photography, and the Pentax K-1 has some nice features for such use that are not yet available in the other DSLR camera brands.

Oh yeah, the cost of these Sony cameras you ask? Still around a couple of hundred dollars, over a thousand dollars for the higher end models.

On the high-end of the high-speed cameras spectrum? You can get 500 million frames per second. Yeah, but those cameras probably cost a fortune.

20170503/DuckDuckGo high-speed video camera small smartphone size
20170503/DuckDuckGo high-speed video camera compact