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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Important! Ansible notes. VMWare notes.

How do you use Ansible to control VMs in a VMWare vCenter? Use the vmware_guest and vmware_guest_snapshot modules. These are the modules that use the official Python SDK for connecting with the vCenter and they have the features. The alternative, vsphere_guest, uses an API that was written by an independent developer and “got there first,” but it is not longer supported. Although the vsphere_guest module makes some operations more convenient than others, pushing source code modifications upstream to the vmware_guest module is a good approach.

NOTE: My search as recorded here is somewhat condensed.


Having trouble with Ansible using /usr/bin/python when you want to use Python from a virtualenv? Here is the solution. Use an inventory file as follows:

localhost ansible_python_interpreter=python

20170706/DuckDuckGo ansible /usr/bin/python local

Now I’m wondering about the vmware_guest module. Why isn’t it working correctly? Well there is a bug in my version of it. The latest upstream version partially fixes so that it doesn’t crash entirely, but it still doesn’t set the task result status correctly. Also, don’t get confused between the vmware versus vsphere modules.


The PyVmomi module is authored by VMWare.


The PySphere module is no longer being maintained.
