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Jenkins pipeline result statuses and Inspec exit codes
Unit testing in Ansible
Ansible, cowsay, and figlet
Some random mutterings on how to recreate a toy version of the hodgepodge of technology I used at one workplace
Inspec, another server configuration testing framework
Some of my first notes on Groovy Jenkins programming
Serial versus parallel execution in Ansible
Interesting software for testing Ansible roles, Docker-in-Docker
More on Redis Kubernetes Operators and Golang
Generate command lines in Ansible, read YAML data from `kubectl`
Diagnosing/debugging Kubernetes deployments using Ansible
Ansible in place of Docker Compose
Send to Slack from Ansible playbook
Get profiling and timestamps in Ansible, and disable host key checking
More Ansible notes: `delegate_to`, local playbook run, gather facts, `when`, `lineinfile`, `vmware_guest`, and more
Control VMware vCenter using Ansible
What is Jinja2?
Automate VMware vCenter VM creation and snapshotting via Ansible
Discussion on Ansible strengths and weaknesses, documentation links
Setup a Docker container using Ansible
Setup your own Python Ansible dev machine
Important features that are missing from Ansible
`version_compare` in Ansible
Install Ansible via `pip`