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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Ansible notes.

Important! How do you have one task run on the local machine rather than the remote? Use the delegate_to task property.

delegate_to: localhost


There are also methods to have the entire playbook run locally.

20170710/DuckDuckGo ansible create a role that runs locally

Important! Play failing because a machine cannot be connected to gather facts? How do you continue to run plays that don’t require a connection? Use gather_facts: false the beginning of the play.


Important! Use meta: reset_host_failures if you want to continue a playbook after a host failed due to a connection failure.


Important! How to wait until a guest VM has been shutdown. And, how to figure out what is registered in a variable when the Ansible documentation is lacking.


Important! There are a lot of things you can do with inventory files in Ansible. A first read of the related documentation is not enough.


Important! Do you want to generate an inventory file when provisioning VMs using Ansible? Use this to help get yourself started.


Having trouble with lineinfile and selinux Python module? Look here for a solution. Basically, you just copy the selinux Python module directory from your system into your virtualenv.

20170818/DuckDuckGo python selinux

cp -piR /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux ~/aenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Another option is to build your virtualenv to include all the system site packages as follows:

virtualenv --system-site-packages myenv

Important! Ansible notes. Using when with loops will mean that the when will be applied for each loop item. Simple note, easy as that, from the official documentation.

Oh yeah, don’t worry about needing generated variable names, dictionary syntax this[that] will work adequately.

Important! Ansible notes. How do you access the variables assigned to a different host? Use hostvars.

How do you find out all these variables of Ansible? Difficult stuff, read the source code, dump the list of all variables, and so on.

Global variables? Don’t bother. Setting a variable in a run_once section should be good enough.

20170819/DuckDuckGo ansible run once with items inventory hosts

Important! Having trouble creating VMware VMs using Ansible vmware_guest module? Well you’re troubles are indeed valid. This has been filed as a known issue with a fix in the latest development version, merged just a few days ago.

20170719/Yahoo vmware_guest resource_pool

Now what? Now when I try to run the role, it fails because it can’t find a template file.

20170719/DuckDuckGo vmware_guest Unable to access the virtual machine configuration: Unable to access file

Solution? I don’t know.