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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings


What kinds of speeds can you expect out of a Raspberry Pi file server?

20 MB/s expectation from Raspberry Pi. So, actually you can get a 100 Mbps speed out of a Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi Zero? Maybe, at least it will come close.

20180427/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi zero sd card read speed file server

Words of unreliable SD cards? How reliable are they with Raspberry Pi?

20180427/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi how reliable sd card

Answer: Do make sure to have adequate backup, but don’t worry about the lifespan being too short.


Important! Again, I reiterate, because this is important!

Save power on the Raspberry Pi Zero. Disable HDMI shaves off 25 mA.


Older devices with power adapters that are large and are warm to the touch use several watts of power. Newer power adapters that are lightweight and are not warm to the touch may use less than one watt.

Important! Try to pursue setting up a Raspberry Pi that can be used as an infrared remote control.


Remotely push a button with a Raspberry Pi?

Find yourself an old school chime door bell. The sort that goes “ding dong” by shooting a battery powered solenoid against a couple of metal bars. Replace the door bell switch with suitable control circuitry and let the solenoid push the button. simples

Nice idea but… yes unfortunately this does depend on the force needed to push the button, and the doorbell ringer probably won’t strike with enough force.

20180427/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi use a relay to push a button

Using a servo motor, button pushing can be made strong enough, apparently. The motor is held in place. There is a plastic “hammer arm” connected to the motor.