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Can aluminum foil be recycled?


Categories: misc  
Tags: misc  

So, you’re wondering, can aluminum foil be recycled? Yes… under some conditions.

  • The aluminum foil must be clean.

  • The aluminum foil must be crumpled up into a larger ball, at least two inches in diameter, not left as a sheet.

  • Your recycling service must state that they are capable of recycling aluminum foil. If not, you’ll have to mail it into a recycler that is capable.

  • Note that plastic wrap cannot be recycled, unlike aluminum foil. Also, aluminum foil is easier to reuse at home.

  • You can buy aluminum foil made from 100% recycled aluminum. This is especially helpful when there is some aluminum foil that you cannot recycle.

20180725/DuckDuckGo recycle aluminum foil