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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, you’re wondering. What exactly are the uses and differences between wave soldering and reflow soldering? Well, first of all, wave soldering is typically used for through hole components, and reflow soldering is typically used for surface mount devices. Second, all bets are off that you can mix and match both of these. You can attach surface mount devices using reflow soldering, and you can attach through-hole devices using reflow soldering. That being said, if you want to attach surface-mount devices using soldering paste to a PCB at home, you can do it with a low-end soldering pencil iron. Simply use the soldering iron to reflow the solder paste, or use conventional solder directly if you really think you can do it.

Now, there are also some interesting tricks for desolering. Sometimes a hot air gun is used for desoldering. For this, you might try to substitute a blow dryer. Another interesting technique is to use a wire of Field’s metal to wrap around a surface mount device to distribute the heat, heat that wire up, and you’ll be able to pull the surface mount device right off, keeping both the device and the board intact.
