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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

One important design consideration of my 3D scanner design that I didn’t consider is motor vibration control. Particularly, in the case of using cheap DC motors, you’re going to get vibrations traveling away from the motor due to not being perfectly weight balanced, imperfections in the design of the motor, a shaft that is not perfectly aligned, different force responses based off of the relative positions of the rotor and stator, and so on. Most importantly, these are qualities endemic to the motor, independent of the rest of your setup. But, when those spurious vibrations travel from the motor to the rest of your setup for rotating the laser module, those extra vibrations in your laser module effectively limit the maximum resolution that you can scan at, potentially even more so than the width of your laser.

So, what can you do about this? It could just as well be the case that using your average stepper motor in place of your average DC motor could solve your motor vibration woes. Especially considering some of the design specifications and measurements made for the FabScan 3D scanner, indeed a stepper motor can get you pretty good accuracy and minimal spurious vibration out-of-the-box.

Otherwise, if you really want to go with cheap DC motors due to their tremendous abundance, your main mitigation is to find ways to (1) isolate and (2) stabilize your setup against the motor vibrations. To isolate your setup from the vibrations of the motor, try to use relatively loose fitting gears in your reduction gear train, and try using a long shaft connecting the motor to its first gear. I’ve found that using a tight fitting setup, though intuitively more mechanically sound, actually causes more spurious vibrations to travel through your system supporting your laser module. Second, adding stationary mass and placing your setup on a hard, flat surface works well to stabilize your setup against the residual vibrations that will still travel through it. If you run your setup on a soft, carpeted surface with very little mass, the setup seems very prone to “jumping up and down” as the motor rotates.

Third, this one almost goes without saying, but due to some curious observations, I must state a few words on this. Running your motor at lower speeds causes less vibrations to travel through your setup. However, I’ve found out from experimental evidence, if you succeed in doing a pretty good job at isolating and stabilizing your setup against spurious DC motor vibrations, even running the motor at faster speeds appears not to have too much of a vibration issue. However, if you don’t have a high-speed camera and are already using a reduction gear train, you probably want to run your motor at the lowest speed anyways to minimize the need for a reduction gear train as much as possible. Even running my 9 V Lego Mindstorms DC motor at 1.5 volts, I still find it necessary to use an approximately 1000:1 reduction gear train to get a good 25-30 samples per line width per second. At 2K UHD resolution, a digital camera I tested registered the laser line width at approximately 10 pixels, so that’s 256 seconds ~= 4.3 minutes at 30 frames per second. Yeah, it’s slow, but if you want the best quality with low-cost equipment, that’s what you’ve got to aim for.

All of this being said about motor vibration isolation and stabilization, it could just as well be the case that due to the rigidity of planetary gearing, planetary gearing may actually not be the best solution to use in conjunction with cheap DC motors.

Finally, some last words on the idea of using a motor to rotate a laser. Originally, I chose this design upon the belief that it is easier to simply add more mechanically precise control to a laser sweep module if you want to get better resolution, up to the limits of your chosen camera. Now, simply due to the inaccuracies caused by DC motor vibrations, I’m thinking otherwise. Under these considerations, even a low resolution video projector could prove to be an easier and faster setup if you want to get a 3D scanner of reasonable accuracy.

  • Footnote: There are interesting similarities between motor vibration control and thermal control. Insulation versus thermal mass. Isolation versus stabilization. Shock absorption versus increasing mass.