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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

This is an interesting coworking company. So, you’re wondering how 3D technology can be applied more intensively in the business world? Indeed, coworking spaces provides an avenue to apply this technology. 3D scanning and presenting 3D models of premises, using it as a means to maintain such environments, things like that.


UPDATE 2020-07-01: Alas, after revisiting this subject over a year later, it is clear that coworking spaces have their clear weakness in common with all on-premises job sites: sharing a space in common is not safe in cold and flu season, but especially not so in the midst of a pandemic. And this being a small company, rather than a larger one in the coworking space, has ought to been hit pretty hard. They hadn’t written a single new blog post since February 2020, and from the looks of it there have been layoffs of long-time employees there… relative to the fact that it is a young startup company.