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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Lynn Parramore appears to be a great writer of economic articles, let’s look at some of her other articles.

This one is interesting. Wow, I’m surprised at the discrimination that Lynn Parramore had to face in her career. Even more surprising, what she said about how age relates to the discrimination she faces: she thought the discrimination would only be bad when she was a young woman, and it would go away as she got older. Nope, that’s not how it works. Instead, the discrimination she faced got steeper. Why? As she increased in position of power, the “reward” as thought by the harassers was larger. So, older women up in higher positions of power face even more discrimination incidents.

Also, this one is really interesting. Parramore put together a presentation about the economic effects of sexual harassment. Afterwards, she was quite surprised at the response from the economists in the audience. Thank you so much for mentioning this, I didn’t know that sexual harassment was an economic issue. But, what does Parramore think about this reaction? For one thing, she was surprised that there really weren’t any naysayers about the subject. On the other hand, she was also surprised that economists fail to connect the dots between women’s pay gaps, sexual harassment, and difficulty for women to advance to higher levels in business.

Wow, overall, very interesting, I recommend that you read the article yourself, my summary here is only for the sake of my own note-taking.


Wow, this is interesting. Millionaire-funded philanthropy to improve education in the United States has generally been a failure because it focused too much on a “top-down” approach and test scores. But, the bottom-up approached practiced by a few that did result in significant improvements is growing and coming to the forefront.

But, the ulterior motive of money-motivated philanthropy? To disruptively alter the course of the public, and have them simply follow, regardless of whether it be good for them or not. In other words, to be able to replace the role of government as a keeper of the common good.


Now, this is a really interesting and insightful analysis of why and how the recession happeend in 2008, and a keen awareness of the signs that something similar is cooking in recent years that could cause another recession to come about.
