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Quorten Blog 1

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Recently, I’ve got started with writing some Jenkins pipeline code. Groovy, eh? Yep, definitely Groovy. So here I go a-searching for information on Groovy, and here are some of my notes on the things I needed to use.

Use findFiles() in Jenkins to get a list of files in the indicated directory, matching the given regular expression. Please note that directories cannot be matched and returned in the file list, only regular files.

20190531/DuckDuckGo jenkins findFiles
20190531/Google Jenkins findFiles does not list directories

findFiles returns a list of FileWrapper objects, which you must parse and process to convert into a list of filename strings.

20190531/Google javadoc FileWrapper

Use for-each syntax in Groovy like this:

def result = []
def wrap = findFiles(glob: '*')
wrap.each { it, i // iterator, index
  def full_path = it.getPath()

If you do not specify the iterator and index variable, it is used by default for the iterator, and nothing is used for the index, as I understand it. You can also specify only a name for the iterator variable.

20190531/DuckDuckGo groovy iterate over a list
20190531/DuckDuckGo groovy for each

  • Notes on using groovy regular expressions

Groovy regular expression matching can be done using the familiar =~ operator as follows:

def m = text =~ /match/

20190531/DuckDuckGo groovy regex match

Note that you must use def to limit the scope of match variables. If you do not use it, you may get weird errors like “matcher not serializable.”

20190531/DuckDuckGo jenkins regex matcher not serializable

You can index parenthetical groupings using match variables. For example, to index the third parenthetical grouping, use the following syntax.


20190531/DuckDuckGo groovy matcher