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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Here are some random mutterings on how to recreate a toy version of the hodgepodge of technology I used at one workplace. There are some good things in concept, that perhaps should be demoed on a smaller scale. There are, of course, many bad proprietary things that could and can be replaced with more open or more industry standard solutions. I’ll have to revisit this later to create some working demo code to play with.

  • Toy IaC Ansible Jenkins Testinfra “in-a-box.” Playbooks? Red Hat generic, IPv4, IPv6, dual stack, MHVTL, build, test, NIS server, ““mega filer,” “eng” intranet web server, Windows server, HyperV MSSQL, Ruby on Rails build & test job submission, nginx load balancer, PostgreSQL DB, dashboarding, Prometheus, Grafana, AlertManager, CoreOS Kubernetes host, Django metrics, microservice visualization, test suite reporting library, test results analysis tools, intranet name server and router, deployment automation.

  • Important! Build stage 1 templates minimal completely automatically, via PXE boot and kickseed. matchbox.

  • Also support SUSE SLES and OpenSUSE. Also need a resource reservation and dynamic deployments. Must integrate Debian package building system and other improvements, support multi-arch. Full support for cross compiles. Support Drone container native pipeline.

  • What are the proprietary components that have been excised? VMware ESXi and VCSA, ElectricFlow, Coverity.