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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, I’ve been just about fed up with my cheap Foto&Tech Pentax IR remote release trigger. It’s not working at the moment, and I can’t quite tell if it is because my button hack needs to be adjusted, the battery needs to be replaced, or the entire thing has just failed due to too much hackery. The battery voltage looks good, but who knows, maybe it is just extra picky.

In any case, now I know that if I am doing just internal studio remote release shoots in a studio environment, there is no need to go cableless. A cable trigger, by virtue of not having a battery, is one less part to fail that could get in the way of my productivity.

So, shopping around for the cable release trigger, unfortunately it appears that there are also complaints with the quality of the official cable release. Really? Not only do their remotes have their downsides, but even a simple cable release comes with downsides too? Now I’ve already bought the IR remote from Foto&Tech and its button was too cheap, now I don’t know if I want to bother with buying their cable release.

But, here’s the really good news. The Pentax CS-205 cable release is simply a standard 3.5mm stereo audio jack. That’s easy enough to build my own, wire one push button from left channel to ground for half-push, another push button from right channel to ground for pull-push, and you’re in business!

20191109/ 20191109/DuckduckGo CS-205
20191109/DuckDuckGo pentax CS-205